Monday, January 16, 2012

With SimpleGeo?s Shutdown Imminent, Parse Swoops In With A Life Preserver

Screen Shot 2012-01-13 at 2.32.59 PMYesterday Urban Airship announced that it would be shutting down SimpleGeo on March 31 2012, only a few months after acquiring the company for around $3.5 million. The news irked plenty of developers ? you can find a thread on Hacker News here where some SimpleGeo customers are voicing their frustration. So what are developers supposed to do now? Urban Airship's blog post outlines a few options, including a partnership with Factual to port over any Places data developers might have stored on SimpleGeo. But SimpleGeo also has a handful of other classes of data, like Storage, that Factual can't be used for. Now Parse is stepping in to try to help out (and snag) any customers looking to figure out where to move next.


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