Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hybrid Vehicle Could Be the Best Automobile Purchase | Asian ...

The rising cost of gasoline today h?s finally knocked ?om? sense into the American automobile market. The absurd prices of gas ma? h?v? taken the country unexpectedly but ?th?r countries hav? alre?d? b??n exploring th? u?? of alternative fuel and mor? fuel-efficient cars. Brazil, f?r example has be?n using ethanol fr?m corn ?in?? th? 1970s wh?n th? Middle East embargo forced th? country to ?on?ider other fuel options. They ar? now ?ne of the world?s largest producers of ethanol.

Japan ?s ?lso ?ne of th? leaders wh?n it com?s t? th? u?e ?f hybrid vehicles, ev?n releasing designs ?nd prototypes f?r a fully-automated electric vehicle. Majority of the automobiles th?t ?ome from Japan and oth?r Asian countries hav? the best fuel economy feature.

Unfortunately, th? United States h?v? been lagging behind ?n terms of alternative fuel use and fuel efficient cars. General Motors h?ve b?en criticized for ?t? ver? uneconomical automobile line but recently, th?y hav? released hybrid versions ?f the?r popular vehicle lines.

Environmental Impact

Hybrid vehicles h?v? becom? very important ?n recent years not onl? ?n terms of th? fuel crisis spanning the world but ?lso ?f the environmental impact that it causes. Oil refineries ?re on? of th? world?s largest producers ?f air pollution ?nd oil spills brought on by large tankers oft?n kill diverse marine and aquatic plant life that ha? tak?n millions ?f years to evolve.

The us? ?f Biodiesel and ethanol tr?ed to solve th?s problem. Ethanol fr?m corn ?s very popular but ?t c?n ?l?? be t?ken from ?th?r vegetable products. It produces considerably l?ss air pollution ?nd emission fr?m th? vehicle ?? ?lm??t zero. Environmentalists ?nd biologists call ?t carbon neutral, the emission from ethanol refineries and vehicle emission equaling ?nl? t? th? nitrogen released int? th? atmosphere b? th? natural decay ?f corn and other vegetable product.

Hybrid Vehicles

A hybrid vehicle us?? ?n electric motor f?r power ?nd combines that w?th an internal combustion engine. It increases fuel efficiency ?nd caus?s le?s pollution. Depending ?n the type and model ?f th? hybrid vehicle, it c?n save ?ou at l???t 30 percent on fuel cost.

There ?r? thr?e types of hybrid vehicles u??ng th? f?ll?w?ng engine types:

o Mild hybrid engine ? This engine type doe? not have ?n electric motor but h?v? ?n oversized engine starter that w?ll turn off th? gas engine during coasting or braking but c?n instantly turn ?n wh?n power is needed.

o Full hybrid engine ? This engine types h?ve an electric motor and a combustion engines that ??n work independently ?f ?a?h other.

o Plug-in hybrid (PHEV) model ? u?e? electricity fr?m ?n? wall outlets that ?an recharge th? battery whi?h acts as back-up f?r th? internal combustion engine.

Why Drive ? Hybrid?

Hybrid vehicles, ???de from be?ng fuel efficient ?nd cost-effective, ?r? ?l?o safe t? drive ?t par w?th any gasoline-powered automobile. Hybrid vehicles ?re designed t? b? ?ne of the safest cars ?n th? market today w?th airbags ?nd anti-lock brake systems. If alternative fuel, ?n th? form ?f biodiesel or ethanol ?s used, the driver ?an cut furth?r his fuel budget in a month.

Another point ?n driving ? hybrid i? the tax rebates made ava?labl? t? the US automobile-buying public. Some states ?n th? US offer tax incentives, tax credits and tax breaks if y?u purchase ? hybrid vehicle. This i? part of th? program ?f th? government t? encourage consumers to purchase cars th?t ?an h?l? save the environment as w?ll a? solve the fuel crisis in the country.

This entry was posted on February 8, 2012, 2:22 pm and is filed under Automotive, Best Asian Cars, Hybrid Energy Efficient. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


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