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The actress was unapologetic this week as she promoted the movie, telling interviewers that classifying ?Won?t Back Down? as an unequivocally anti-union movie is an ?oversimplified? way of viewing the issue.
?Clearly -- and I don't know anyone who?d disagree -- there are huge problems with the teachers union,? she told the Philadelphia Daily News on Friday. ?So you can be in support of a teachers union and unions in general, but if you don't take the time to look at things that are broken ... then it will fall apart completely.? ?
In the interview, Gyllenhaal said she comes from a family of proud leftists, and that she herself is staunchly pro-union. However, she also suggested that the quickness with which critics have come out to blast ?Won?t Back Down? as a crack against the labor movement shows intolerance among the pro-union camp. ?Can we not even take a look at ways that the teachers union isn't functioning without being called anti-union?? she said. ?
Earlier this week, Gyllenhaal gave a similar explanation when she appeared on NBC?s ?Today? show, saying that she supports unions fundamentally but ?finds some faults? with them. ?
In ?Won?t Back Down,? Gyllenhaal?s character invokes the so-called parent-trigger law -- a real-life statute first passed in California, which allows parents and teachers to reclaim a failing school. The character?s attempts to reclaim her daughter?s Pittsburgh school are hindered by a bullying union representative played by Holly Hunter.
Last month, Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, issued a public letter criticizing ?Won?t Back Down? as a ?false and misleading depiction of teachers and unions.?
Union supporters protested screenings of the movie in New York and Los Angeles. And Michael Mulgrew, president of New York City?s United Federation of Teachers, told the New York Times that the movie -- which is inspired by an actual incident in which a California parent invoked the parent-trigger law -- is a ?work of fiction.? He told the paper that, in real life, previous attempts by parents to reclaim schools have failed.
?Won?t Back Down? was financed by Phil Anschutz,
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Is your credit terrible? The helpful advice in this article will help you find a plan to transform your credit report into one you will be proud of.
Make sure to keep a record of your communication with credit bureaus in case they make mistakes. Keep a record of all your phone calls and correspondence. Have your dispute letter certified so you have proof of it both being mailed and being received.
Paying off each of your accounts and bills on time can help to repair your credit. Credit counseling services could help.
TIP! When you are trying to repair your credit, be realistic. Some credit reporting agencies may try to get you to commit to an unrealistic payment schedule, which will throw you further in the hole.
When you start fixing your credit, pay down balances on the credit cards as soon as you can. Pay off high-interest debt first, as it grows the fastest. Beginning to pay your credit card balances off will show creditors that you are making a valiant effort and are credit worthy.
Consider debt consolidation as a possible tool to help you repay your debt and rebuild your credit record faster. Consolidating your debts may be the best way for you to reduce your debt and fix your credit. This way all of your debts will be combined into one bill and it will be easier to pay. When considering debt consolidation you will need to ensure that you can afford the payment amount.
Building your credit back up is the number one way to fix a bad credit score. Prepaid credit cards are great for this, since you can get improved with a bad credit score, and there?s no way to rack up debt and late fees. A potential lender will see this as a responsible move on your part, showing that you are credit worthy.
TIP! Opening additional lines of credit will negatively affect your credit score. Avoid obtaining checkout credit cards that offer huge discounts.
If you are having a difficult time creating or sticking to a budget, get in touch with a responsible credit counseling organization. Often times, these companies will work with the creditors to get negotiate a lower interest rate and an affordable payment plan that will help get your finances back on track. Credit counseling can be a key piece in helping you understand how to budget your salary and pay your bills.
Do not use your credit cards. Pay with cash whenever possible. Any credit card purchases should be paid in full the same month of purchase. Do not carry a balance on your cards.
Financing a home can be difficult if you have bad credit. If you do have poor credit, try to get a FHA loan because there is a guarantee that it will be given to you. Even when the resources for making down payments or paying closing costs are lacking, FHA loans can help.
TIP! Pay all outstanding debt to begin repairing your credit. Your credit will only get worse if you are not paying off your debts.
In order to fix your credit, you need to have a plan to pay debts off. Your credit score is damaged by large amounts of existing debt along with a history of late payments. Budget realistically, and set aside as much as possible to pay towards your outstanding debt. Having no current debt will help to raise your credit score.
Instead of avoiding collectors, talk to them to see what kind of payment arrangements they can offer you in light of your financial situation. Tell the debt collector the amount that you can pay them, and when they can expect the payment. Collection agencies are usually willing to negotiate.
Read your negative reports carefully when attempting to rebuild your credit. There may very likely be errors or mistakes that can be removed.
No credit repair company can remove factual information, no matter how damaging, from your credit report. You have to wait for seven years before negative data can come off your record. You should know that mistakes and anything incorrect can be removed from your credit report.
You should know of any inquiries about your credit score. Anytime someone looks at your credit score, that inquiry is noted.
If you have to improve your credit, make a solid plan and follow it. You must make a commitment to making changes on how you spend money. Sticking to necessities for a while is crucial. Ask yourself how necessary each purchase is, and how affordable it is too. If you can?t answer ?yes? to each of the questions above, you need to reconsider the purchase.
Go through your credit report with a fine tooth comb before resolving to accept the issues as valid. Credit reports sometimes contain inaccurate information. A credit dispute can be initiated in these cases; they take time to be resolved, but the discrepancy is rectified if found to be in error.
TIP! This is one of the quickest way to create and maintain a credible financial record. Late payments to credit cards are reported to the major credit agencies and can hurt your chances for securing a new loan.
As you?ve now learned, a credit report doesn?t have to be the stuff of nightmares. You don?t have to be afraid of your credit score; you can improve it. Just follow these tips we listed, and you will have the credit report that will be the envy of all of your friends
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WASHINGTON (AP) ? Here's the rap on the presidential candidates' plans for cutting federal deficits: Mitt Romney's is too bold and the numbers don't add up, while President Barack Obama's is too timid and his numbers don't add up, either.
As the government closes the books Sunday with a $1.1 trillion deficit for the year, which required borrowing 32 cents for every dollar it spent, budget analysts have little confidence in either man's plan to address the accumulating debt, now at about $16 trillion.
The Republican nominee promises to balance the budget in eight years to 10 years, but he also offers a mix of budgetary contradictions: higher Pentagon spending, restoring cuts that Democrats made in Medicare and an absolute refusal to consider tax increases.
To fulfill his promise, Romney would require cuts to other programs so deep ? under one calculation requiring cutting many areas of the domestic budget by one-third within four years ? that they could never get through Congress.
In other words, it wouldn't work.
Obama claims more than $4 trillion in deficit savings over the coming decade. But it you peel away accounting tricks and debatable claims on spending cuts, it's more like $1.1 trillion. Republicans say it's even less because of creative bookkeeping used to mask spending on Medicare reimbursements to doctors.
The accounting gets tricky, but the biggest faults with Obama's math are his claims of more than $2 trillion in savings from earlier budget deals with Republicans and an additional $848 billion in savings from winding down of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
"You can't find a $4 trillion number," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a conservative who once led the Congressional Budget Office.
Obama promises relatively small cuts of $597 billion from big federal benefit programs such as Medicare and Medicaid over the next decade while proposing tax increases of $1.9 trillion that he couldn't push through Congress when Democrats controlled both the House and Senate.
Obama's performance on the deficit should be his Achilles heel. The deficit has exceeded $1 trillion each year on his watch. He gave a cold shoulder to his own special deficit commission. Whatever efforts have occurred over the past two years to curb the deficit have come under pressure by Republicans.
"The American people see the financial chaos. They know it must stop. They know their families are at risk, and that their country is in danger," Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said in a recent GOP radio address. "Yet the president does not rally the country to action. Instead, he says our debt course is nothing to worry about."
Romney offers a set of principles and promises rather than a detailed plan. He pledges to shrink the government to 20 percent of the size of the economy, as opposed to more than 23 percent of gross domestic product now, by the end of his first term. The Romney campaign estimates that would require cuts of $500 billion from the 2016 budget alone.
Romney proposes saving hundreds of billions of dollars over the coming decade by following House Republicans' plan to sharply cut federal spending on Medicaid health care for the poor and disabled, and turn it over to state governments. He pledges to cut the federal workforce by 10 percent.
But Romney also promises large budget increases for the Pentagon and rejects a plan by his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., that endorses more than $700 billion in cuts to Medicare that were made as part of Obama's health care law. Social Security is off the table.
That means big cuts to what's left over: nuts-and-bolts government agencies including the FBI, Federal Aviation Administration and Border Patrol; programs such as food inspection and space exploration; and popular subsidy and benefit programs for farmers, veterans and college students.
The liberal-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities calculates that Romney's budget outline could require a one-third cut in domestic programs by 2016, excluding Social Security and Medicare, to make the math work. By 2022, such programs would have to be cut by more than half.
"You have to have large cuts in the rest of the non-defense budget, very large cuts," said Paul Van De Water, an analyst at the budget think tank. "Whether it's politically and practically achievable is subject to question."
Romney also is light on details on his tax cut proposal.
He says he wants to cut rates by 20 percent, but won't specify how he'll find the $5 trillion required to pay for it. For all the rhetoric of tax loopholes and cleaning up the tax code, finding that kind of money would require looking at popular deductions and tax breaks for the middle class. Those include deductions for mortgage interest, charitable contributions and state and local taxes, and breaks for college savings, employer-paid health insurance and families with children.
Tax experts say he could very well come up short.
Obama's budget has a lengthy and detailed mix of initiatives. But other than raising $1.4 trillion over a decade by allowing George W. Bush-era tax cuts on family income exceeding $250,000 to expire, they're mostly small-bore ideas.
There's little in the way of political danger. For instance, his budget would permit the cost of both Medicare and Medicaid to double over the coming decade. He offers cuts to health care providers, but asks no sacrifice from beneficiaries.
In private negotiations last year with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, that failed, Obama displayed some willingness to take on Medicare's problems by raising from 65 the age to qualify for benefits. A "grand bargain" to get the debt under control would require him to go further.
"What he's put on the table is insufficient to get us to the goal," said Robert Reischauer, a former Urban Institute president and one-time director of the Congressional Budget Office who is one of the trustees for who oversee Social Security and Medicare. "He's going to have to ramp up the game after the election if he really wants to stabilize the debt in a reasonable length of time."
EDITOR'S NOTE ? Associated Press writer Andrew Taylor has covered Congress and fiscal policy for The Associated Press since 2005.
An AP News Analysis
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On this week?s Slate Political Gabfest, Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz discuss Mitt Romney?s challenges heading into the debates, alleged liberal bias in the media and polling, and important senate races. ?
Here are some of the links and references mentioned during this week's show:
Can Romney win without Ohio? Nate Silver summarizes some alternative paths to victory.
Emily speculates about the cause of Obama?s stronger Ohio polling; one of several explanations, says the New Republic?s Alec MacGillis, is an overemphasis of Obama?s problems with white working-class voters, which seem greater in the South than in the Midwest.
James Fallows plays debate coach in his technique and skill-focused preview.
But John reminds us: Debates usually don?t matter. For a review of the academic research, read John Sides in the Washington Monthly.
David says a new polling site purports to correct a liberal bias in polling. Chris Cillizza has a fact-check on the main argument?that party identification is skewing polls.?
Slate?s Will Saletan observes that the GOP?s national leadership?and money?is making a slow creep back toward Todd Akin.
John chatters about the first photo ever taken of humans, circa1838.
Emily chatters about John?s ?Fresca? project, a look at what criteria we might use if we conducted job interviews for the presidency.
David chatters about the Washington Post?s panda coverage.
Topic ideas for next week? You can tweet suggestions, links, and questions to @SlateGabfest
The e-mail address for the Political Gabfest is (E-mail may be quoted by name unless the writer stipulates otherwise.)
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In the herd is quite an ambiguous phrase. It could refer to the dynamics of animals that live in groups. Biologists, zoologists and agriculturalists would certainly be well employed in studying this topic. Human beings themselves display many characteristics of herd behavior and poets are justified in imagining the reality of it. However, it is also pertinent to note that the name of a popular US radio show is ?The Herd with Colin Cowherd?.
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The word podcast will not be found in a dictionary published in 1982. Nevertheless it is widely understood in 2012 to mean spoken messages or music sent through computer rather than radio channels. With the relegation of many portable radio sets either to museums or to outside storage sheds podcasts seem to be a way forward for the presenters of messages through the primary medium of sound.
Gadgets are only one of a set of elements in the communication process, They are the channels through which senders send messages to receivers. The communication process needs several elements all of which are subject to interference. The hiker in Pakistan listening to a cricket match commentary from London does not wish to be distracted by images because his eyes could be occupied in keeping an eye on his immediate environment.
Though communication in the Information Age is complex and effective there is evidence to suggest that Stone Age people also had deep insights into animal communication systems. This was used in hunting activities and in killing animals whereas the efforts of contemporary scientists and psychologists are directed to preserving the few wild animals that have managed to survive.
Academics in the twenty-first century may be engaged in rediscovering much of the knowledge that was available to primitive tribes. It is now known that elephants can communicate by sound and vibration over wide areas of a continent. Whales may communicate even further from one part of the world to another through undersea vibration and sound. In some ways it seems that the pachyderms and behemoths might have used their own Internet like systems even before human beings created artificial versions of similar systems.
It would appear that communication is a fundamental element in the welfare of all social groups. The advent of cell phones and similar gadgetry has enabled human beings to create artificial communication systems that are at least as good as those of elephants and whales, and probably much better.
The instinct to live in groups seems common to species that do survive better than solitary creatures like endangered tigers and polar bears. Some human beings are instinctively loners, especially if they have known solitude during their formative years. Though such solitary people usually are happy with their own company and enjoy being habitually alone there remains a deep instinct in most of them to be, at least for a limited time, in the herd.
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UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.N. members appeared deeply divided on Wednesday as they sought to resolve the crisis in Mali, with France and some of Mali's neighbors backing possible military intervention, while the United States said the West African nation must first have an elected government.
A special U.N. session on Mali, held on the sidelines of the annual General Assembly, was intended to devise a plan for a nation that descended into chaos in March after a military coup toppled the president, leaving a power vacuum that enabled local Tuareg rebels to seize nearly two-thirds of the country.
Islamist groups have since hijacked the rebellion in the north, imposing strict Islamic law in regions under their control and spurring fears that religious extremist fighters could further destabilize the region.
Islamist groups including the al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine have carried out public whippings of alleged adulterers and destroyed UNESCO-listed shrines of local saints in the ancient town of Timbuktu, arguing such worship was un-Islamic.
"There is an urgency to act to end the suffering of the people of Mali and to prevent a similar situation that would be even more complicated in the Sahel and the rest of the world," Malian Prime Minister Cheick Modibo Diarra told the General Assembly.
France, Mali's former colonial power, called on Wednesday for the U.N. Security Council to adopt as soon as possible a resolution enabling military intervention in northern Mali, a call that has been supported by some West African nations that fear Mali's chaos will spread beyond its borders.
French President Francois Hollande warned that Mali's territorial integrity should be restored as soon as possible and that any lost time would only complicate matters.
He said he wanted a resolution on Mali to be approved within weeks. France has ruled out intervening directly, but has promised logistical and intelligence support.
Hollande's calls were echoed by some of Mali's neighbors, including Niger, whose foreign minister, Mohammed Bazoum, told delegates that only an armed intervention supported by friendly powers could eradicate insecurity in the region.
But U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signaled caution, saying immediate efforts should concentrate on putting a legitimate government back in power in Mali before its internal divisions are addressed.
"This is not only a humanitarian crisis; it is a powder keg that the international community cannot afford to ignore," Clinton said in her remarks.
"In the end, only a democratically elected government will have the legitimacy to achieve a negotiated political settlement in northern Mali, end the rebellion and restore the rule of law," Clinton added.
The fragile interim government that now holds Mali's capital, Bamako, requested a U.N. Security Council resolution earlier this month, and the West African regional body ECOWAS has said it would be ready to send in troops.
But diplomats say the Security Council remains unlikely to provide a mandate for military intervention until ECOWAS outlines a more detailed strategy, including troop numbers and costs of the operation.
The Mali conflict has exacerbated a deteriorating humanitarian and security situation in the turbulent Sahel region - a belt of land spanning nearly a dozen of the world's poorest countries on the rim of the Sahara - where drought has pushed millions to the brink of starvation.
African Union Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra told Reuters on Tuesday that Mali's interim leaders were capable of managing the crisis and needed full international backing.
"How can we organize elections when northern Mali is occupied by terrorist movements that don't apply democracy?" Hollande said when asked if elections should be held first.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon cautioned that any military action could have serious humanitarian consequences. More than 400,000 people already have been forced to flee their homes.
Ban said the United Nations was developing a strategy on the Sahel that would look as a whole at issues including security, response to large-scale crises, and the promotion of democratic governance. Ban said he would appoint an envoy to manage the process, but did not name the person.
Britain said it had also appointed an envoy to the region.
On July 5, the Security Council endorsed political efforts by the 15-nation ECOWAS - the Economic Community of West African States - to end the unrest in Mali, but stopped short of backing military intervention there.
(Additional reporting by Andrew Quinn; Editing by Peter Cooney)
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Police clash with protestors during the demonstration at the parliament against austerity measures announced by the Spanish government in Madrid, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. Spain's Parliament has taken on the appearance of a heavily guarded fortress with dozens of police blocking access from every possible angle, hours ahead of a protest against the conservative government's handling of the economic crisis. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)
Police clash with protestors during the demonstration at the parliament against austerity measures announced by the Spanish government in Madrid, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. Spain's Parliament has taken on the appearance of a heavily guarded fortress with dozens of police blocking access from every possible angle, hours ahead of a protest against the conservative government's handling of the economic crisis. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)
El primer ministro griego Antonis Samaras (izquierda) y el ministro de Finanzas Yannis Stournaras hablan despu?s de una reuni?n con los l?deres de sus dos socios menores en la coalici?n, el jueves 27 de septiembre de 2012 en la Mansion Maximos de Atenas. (Foto AP/Thanassis Stavrakis)
Finance Ministry, tax office and customs employees march in central Athens outside the finance ministry building to protest new austerity measures, on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. As the party leaders conferred Thursday, tax and customs employees, who are on strike until Friday against planned pay cuts, held a peaceful protest in the capital. (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)
Police clash with protestors during a demonstration at the parliament against austerity measures announced by the Spanish government in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. Spain's Parliament has taken on the appearance of a heavily guarded fortress with dozens of police blocking access from every possible angle, hours ahead of a protest against the conservative government's handling of the economic crisis. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)
MADRID (AP) ? Spain and Greece outlined plans Thursday to further reduce government spending and raise taxes to convince international lenders and financial markets they are on the right track to cut their deficits.
The latest round of belt-tightening comes as economies across Europe get weaker and public resentment toward austerity grows stronger.
Spain's plan to slash its deficit in 2013 is viewed by many analysts as a signal that it's preparing to request a financial lifeline from other governments and the European Central Bank. To receive this help, countries must first show they are serious about reining in deficits.
"This is a budget in times of crisis but one to help get out of the crisis," deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria said.
For similar reasons, Greece's coalition government agreed to cut spending over the next two years by ?11.5 billion ($14.77 billion). Without the cuts, Greece would have been cut off from vital bailout loans that it needs to pay its bills and keep it in the eurozone. The loans come from the International Monetary Fund, European Union and the ECB.
Financial markets cheered the budget-cutting. In Europe, stocks came back from one of their worst days in months in expectation of the Spanish measures. The benchmark stock index finished 0.7 percent higher in France and 0.2 percent higher in Germany and Britain. Borrowing costs for financially troubled Spain and Italy also edged down. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 100 points in afternoon trading.
Other news from around Europe showed that the region remains in trouble. Economic confidence in the 17 countries that use the euro fell to its lowest level in over three years, according to a survey by the European Union's Commission. Meanwhile, unemployment figures in Germany continued to drift higher, in spite of a small seasonal boost in jobs, underlining concerns that Europe's biggest economy is slowing down. Across the region six countries are in recession and economists predict the entire region could be heading for recession by the end of the year.
Throughout the three-year financial crisis, eurozone governments have had to impose harsh cuts and reforms to get control of their debts and ? in the case of Greece, Portugal and Ireland ? qualify for vital aid. The austerity measures have hit citizens with wage cuts and fewer services, and left their economies struggling through recessions as reduced government spending has undermined growth.
In some countries, the austerity measures have sparked violent protests but governments have pressed on with the cuts and reforms to get the eurozone financial crisis under control ? and to get help from other countries and organizations.
Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro said Thursday Spain's draft budget for 2013 would cut overall spending by ?40 billion ($51 billion).
Recession-hit Spain has come under pressure to take up the ECB on its offer to buy unlimited amounts of government bonds to help lower borrowing costs for countries struggling to manage their debts. Such large-scale purchases of short-term government bonds would drive up their price and push down their interest rate and take some pressure off of financially stressed governments such as Spain.
Spain is at the center of the eurozone crisis ? its ?1.4 trillion ($1.8 trillion) economy is the fourth-largest among the 17 countries that use the euro and any request for a full bailout would stretch the region's finances. The country is struggling in a recession to prop up its shaky banking sector and support its heavily indebted regional governments. It has already introduced several packages of tax hikes, civil servant wage cuts and freezes in a bid to get out of the crisis.
To get help from the ECB, Spain must first ask for assistance from the rest of the eurozone. So far, the government has been reluctant to ask for fear of the conditions the other countries will attach to its aid. Analysts say the Spanish government hopes Thursday's budget measures will be enough to stop the eurozone imposing further spending and deficit controls if and when Spain asks for help.
Economy Minister Luis de Guindos said the measures "go beyond" the steps European officials have recommended that Spain should take. He added that Spain was consulting with other countries in the bloc but has still not decided whether to ask for a bailout.
The country is battling to fulfill an EU commitment to reduce its deficit in relation to economic output from 8.9 percent last year to 6.3 percent in 2012, 4.5 percent next year and to 2.8 percent by the end of 2014.
Montoro said Spain would meet the 2012 deficit target despite recent reports that it was off-target eight months into the year. "We're on a very viable path," he said.
Among new taxes to be levied, Montoro said all national lottery prizes of more than ?2,500 ($3,210) would be taxed 20 percent. Saenz de Santamari, meanwhile, announced a new body to oversee regional and local government's adherence to deficit reduction targets.
Thursday's budget package comes in the wake of anti-austerity protests in Madrid over the past two nights, with further protests are planned for Saturday.
The Greek coalition government hopes that Thursday's agreement on the latest round of austerity cuts will be enough to meet the targets demanded by its international lenders and keep the vital bailout loans coming.
Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras said the long-delayed agreement placed him in a stronger negotiating position ahead of talks Monday with representatives from the country's bailout creditors, who will have the final word on the cutbacks.
Greece has relied on international bailouts since May 2010. In return, it has imposed a punishing austerity program, repeatedly slashing incomes, hiking taxes and raising retirement ages.
On top of the ?11.5 billion that has to be axed from state spending in 2013-14, Athens must also boost state revenues by an additional ?2 billion over the next two years through tax reform and improved tax collection.
The three-party meeting came a day after more than 50,000 anti-austerity protesters took to the streets of Athens, in a demonstration marred by clashes between anarchists and riot police.
The conservative-led coalition has been debating the new cutbacks for about two months, but a deal was delayed by opposition from the two center-left junior partners ? coupled with disagreements with the austerity inspectors.
Socialist PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos said after Thursday's two-and-a-half hour talks that he would "struggle to the end to ensure that these measures are not across the board and are fair ... and that they are truly the last," as Samaras has pledged.
Barry Hatton in Lisbon and Nicholas Paphitis and Elena Becatoros in Athens contributed to this report.
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API Director of Upstream Erik Milito and API Director of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Howard Feldman told reporters yesterday morning that the administration?s policies on improving regulations and encouraging domestic oil and natural gas development continue to hamper energy production and job creation and threaten to leave the nation with a less secure energy future.
Erik Milito: ?We have seen numerous examples of regulatory decisions that simply move in the wrong direction and that contribute to uncertainty and inefficiency. These include the administration?s status quo five-year plan for offshore development, its decisions to withdraw and delay the issuance of leases for federal onshore lands, its decision to redo its commercial oil shale regulations, its policies on ?Wild Lands? and categorical exclusions, its delayed action on seismic activity in the Atlantic, and, of course, its failure to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Smart and cost-effective regulatory programs can help drive the country forward by boosting jobs, generating much-needed revenue, and enhancing energy security. This is the approach we need for our onshore and offshore federal leasing programs.?
Howard Feldman: ?This is a global industry. Domestic refineries compete in a global marketplace. Now is not the time to impose still more requirements unless the need is indisputable. Yet that is exactly what the administration seems bent on doing. A slew of new rules, applicable only to U.S. refineries but not their competitors overseas, threaten to put some U.S. refiners out of business, diminish U.S. fuel manufacturing capacity, and increase our reliance on imported fuels. Addressing our environmental challenges is not discretionary. We get that. But with so great a burden already being shouldered, America?s refineries don?t need excessively costly regulations that do not account for progress already made, regulations without a sound science-based justification, or regulations for the sake of regulations. Our industry supports 9.2 million jobs. With the right policies, it can preserve those and create many more. The administration needs to take its ideological blinders off and not squander this opportunity.?
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By Lindsey Konkel and Environmental Health News
Pets share our environment and our diseases. Image: Flickr/twodolla
When Janet Riordan returned home from a European vacation in January, she expected a storm of tail wagging and barking from her 7-year-old golden retriever, Reggie. The moment she saw him, she knew something was wrong.
?He came to me in my arms and appeared to be sobbing. I had never seen an animal behave like that,? said Riordan, who lives in Mequon, a suburb of Milwaukee, Wis.
A veterinarian confirmed her fears: Reggie had an aggressive form of lymphoma, a cancer of the white blood cells.
Riordan knew the toll that lymphoma could take. Four years earlier her father died of it.
?It was devastating,? Riordan said. ?I never thought I would lose my dad and my dog to the same disease.?
Pet owners share their homes, their exercise habits and sometimes even their food with their four-legged companions. And increasingly, they are sharing the same diseases: Dogs and cats suffer from obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and asthma, just like humans.
Now researchers are examining the role that pollutants and other environmental factors play in these dual diseases. Doctors and veterinarians have begun to work together to identify common risk factors, such as pesticides, air pollutants, cigarette smoke and household chemicals.
?Because our pets share our environments, they are exposed to many of the same pollutants as us,? said Melissa Paoloni, a veterinary oncologist at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland.
Pets, like many young children, often have higher exposures to lawn and garden pesticides and to household chemicals that can accumulate in dust or on carpets.
Scientific research is beginning to reveal some links between their environment and their health. Lawn care chemicals may increase the risk of canine lymphoma and bladder cancer. Cats exposed to flame retardants have a higher rate of thyroid disease, according to one study. And researchers are launching the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, the largest project ever to tackle disease prevention and treatment in dogs.
?People are beginning to realize the untapped resource that companion animals present for research in human health,? said Rodney Page, director of the Colorado State University?s Animal Cancer Center.
Studies in pets can never replace studies in humans, but they can present corroborating evidence. Linking pollutants to human health effects can prove controversial, ?but if we can find the same links in dogs or cats, that can have a powerful effect,? said John Reif, a Colorado State University veterinarian and epidemiologist. ?It?s one more piece of evidence that the link is a real one.?
Riordan will never know what caused Reggie?s lymphoma. Golden retrievers generally have a high rate of cancer, most likely for genetic reasons. But some research suggests that environmental chemicals may play a role in the development of lymphoma in dogs.
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts and the Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine questioned the owners of more than 700 dogs about use of pesticides. Roughly one-third of the dogs had been diagnosed with canine malignant lymphoma, while the other two-thirds had either benign tumors or were undergoing non-cancer surgeries.
Dogs whose owners reported use of professionally applied lawn pesticides were 70 percent more likely to have lymphoma, according to the study published in the journal Environmental Research in January.
Dogs also were at higher risk of lymphoma if their owners used self-applied insect growth regulators on their yards, such as Nylar, Precor and Gentrol, which control cockroaches, fleas and other pests. However, dogs exposed to flea powders, sprays and on-spot treatments were no more likely to develop lymphoma than those whose owners did not use them,
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Welcoming an infant is a joyful and interesting moment. It enables the family to spend time with each other. New mothers and fathers entertain visitors looking at their new born baby. Baby photographers Perth may help preserve these fantastic thoughts through photographs. Here are more ways to welcome a new born into the world.
Birth Invitation
Modern mothers and fathers now send out birth invites to the people close to them. This enhances the enthusiasm most people are feeling while waiting for your child to come. A birth invitation is a formal way to inform folks close to you when your child is arriving and where they can stop by once you deliver your child.
Decorate Your Car and Home
You could decorate the automobile to be utilized when picking up your child. Enhance it with different accessories, cartoon characters, and vibrant hues to reflect the joy of having a new baby. Leave enough spaces on locations that must be seen by the driver. Prepping up your home, master?s bedroom, or the own bedroom of your baby is also a good option. Accentuate it with different lively ornaments and toddler sketches or posters that will set a light mood to the room.
Explain the Name
Name dictionaries are now used by many as a manual when deciding on a name for their baby. Sharing the back story of the way you came up and decided upon the name of your infant is nice. Explaining the deeper meaning of the name is delightful and may interest your kids when they get older.
Remembering the first moments of your kid is special. Letting toddler photographers Perth document these first moments can establish enjoyment while your child gets older. Relatives and friends who visit your house can see these photos and recall exactly how lovely the first moments of your kid were. You can create plaques from these photos that may be presented to your good friends and family.
Upload Photos Online
Online networking websites including Twitter and Facebook enable the whole world to see your most recent status messages and updates. Why don?t you use your profiles in these websites to permit everybody view your new baby? The internet allows your relatives to see your baby and be updated on the newest cute firsts the baby will have.
Plant a Tree
Planting a tree when the baby comes home can be a representation of the start of a new existence. Recruit the whole family and designate people who want to take care of it. When your house cannot cater to a tree, you can just plant a container garden with flowers to signify family.
Make an effort to cordially welcome your new child into the household. Your baby may not be conscious of all your initiatives, but it shows simply how much you adore your child. Stop by sites like WKRISTYMANNIXPHOTOGRAPHY.COM.AU that offer toddler photography to make sure every step of your child is recorded. Cherish this prize and share it to those around you who are also thrilled to view your new baby grow up.
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by ChloeGib
Being knowledgeable about how to repair, install, and maintain heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems can land you a really good job in the future. There are some places available where you can learn such skills and use them for such a purpose. You can enroll in an HVAC trade school to give you the skills the need to become an efficient technician.
Aside from such schools, there are some states as well that have their own HVAC training center where you can receive the same training as you do in trade schools. The skills that you will learn will revolve around everything about heating and cooling systems including refrigeration. Their work deals with keeping indoor environments as comfortable and as healthy as possible.
The lessons will also tackle skills on how to properly install energy-efficient technology for both modern and old establishments. The jobs that are in this field have been in demand for recent years. This is because the importance of conserving energy has also heightened.
In this career you will be able to interact with many people. There are many who end up working for service companies that provides aid to commercial and residential establishments. You also get to encounter several circumstances which will help you enhance you skills for the better.
These schools teach their students mostly on how to properly diagnose the problems that their clients are experiencing with their systems. They are also given problem-solving skills which enables them to find the best possible solutions. They will also be taught on how to properly create systems that can reduce the use of energy while giving the best quality to their customers.
There are many who wish to learn such skills that enroll themselves in an HVAC academy where they will be able to learn more about such skills. Here there are more trainings and lectures. The education provided in such places are more formal and applicable for those that want to have a degree in this field.
This career is best if you are interested in electronics and different kinds of technologies. Some also get to secure certificates from vocational schools that teach them as well. But, many employers actually prefer that they hire those with higher degrees.
Many kinds of programs for such are available when you enroll in institutions like an HVAC trade school. Some classes last for at least six months until two or four years. This will depend however on the kind of degree that the student takes. When you graduated from such programs then you can definitely rest assure that your employment prospect is definitely higher due to the high demand of such jobs.
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In the land of tweets and tell-alls, keeping privileged information on the down-low is next to impossible. Oddly enough, pricing and release details for the ThinkPad 2 didn't require much espionage. At last night's PepCom event, Lenovo reps told WP Central that the Windows 8-powered slab will be available on October 26th for $799. This price point might be a tad on the high side for some, but it does include the tablet's optional keyboard. As a refresher, the ThinkPad 2 sports a 10.1-inch IPS display, an Intel Atom processor and NFC, all powered by an alleged 10 hour battery. For the data gluttons out there, AT&T's LTE is on the menu stateside. Whether or not this pricing and release information holds true, we'll still have to see what else surfaces before making a final decision this holiday season.
Filed under: Tablets
Lenovo ThinkPad 2 pegged for October 26th release, with a $799 price tag originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 21 Sep 2012 20:11:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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MILWAUKEE (AP) ? President Barack Obama counters rival Mitt Romney by declaring that government can't solve every problem but is not the source of every problem. He says Americans should not only accept responsibility for themselves but also for their communities and the nation.
Obama's message, at a Milwaukee fundraiser, was a response to Romney's recurrent critique that government is too intrusive. It was Obama's first appearance in Wisconsin since February. Shortly after the fundraiser, Obama stopped at a sausage shop and bought kielbasa and a bratwurst, pausing for photographers as he took a bite.
Obama held two events in the state ? one for 550 supporters who paid at least $250 apiece and another for 20 people who each paid $25,000. Former Milwaukee Brewers baseball slugger Hank Aaron was the star attraction.
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A parent came in this school year and shared with me all the wonderful things that her son had worked on this summer and how she was still concerned about his progress. I assured her we could meet and work on some more strategies that she could continue to do with him at home and how we would continue to support him at school. She turned to me and said with a smile ?I trust you with him, Ms. Smith.?
Those words meant so much to me being both a parent and educator. I understand how comforting it is to be able to trust someone with your child when you are not present all day. ?In that moment, I realized just how important it is to establish communication and build relationships with parents because it is an essential component in how we are successful when working with our students.
Recently, my school had its Back to School Night. I love this time of the year as it creates an opportunity for me to meet with parents and share with them all the things the students will learn this school year and how I plan to support the students through their learning process. This is also a time to facilitate the first line of communication with parents and begin the groundwork for building our relationship.
I like to share with them that I am not only there to be a support to the student but to also support them as well and have them understand that we are a team in achieving the best possible outcome for their child. ?Here are a few things I?ve learned in getting my parent relationships off to a good start:
How do you build positive parent-teacher partnerships? I look forward to reading your feedback!
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ScienceDaily (Sep. 20, 2012) ? How do language families evolve over many thousands of years? How stable over time are structural features of languages?Researchers Dan Dediu and Stephen Levinson of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen introduced a new method using Bayesian phylogenetic approaches to analyse the evolution of structural features in more than 50 language families.
Their paper 'Abstract profiles of structural stability point to universal tendencies, family-specific factors, and ancient connections between languages' will be published online on Sept. 20 in PLoS ONE.
Language is one of the best examples of a cultural evolutionary system. How vocabularies evolve has been extensively studied, but researchers know relatively little about the stability of structural properties of language -- pholonoly, morphology and syntax. In their PLoS ONE paper, Dan Dediu (MPI's Language and Genetics Department) and Stephen Levinson (director of MPI's Language and Cognition Department) asked how stable over time the structural features of languages are -- aspects like word order, the inventory of sounds, or plural marking of nouns.
"If at least some of them are relatively stable over long time periods, they promise a way to get at ancient language relationships," the researchers state in their paper. "But opinion has been divided, some researchers holding that universally there is a hierarchy of stability for such features, others claiming that individual language families show their own idiosyncrasies in what features are stable and which not."
Ancient relations between language families
Using a large database and many alternative methods Dediu and Levinson show that both positions are right: there are universal tendencies for some features to be more stable than others, but individual language families have their own distinctive profile. These distinctive profiles can then be used to probe ancient relations between what are today independent language families.
"Using this technique we find for instance probable connections between the languages of the Americas and those of NE Eurasia, presumably dating back to the peopling of the Americas 12,000 years or more ago," Levinson explains. "We also find likely connections between most of the Eurasian language families, presumably pre-dating the split off of Indo-European around 9000 years ago."
Universal tendencies and distinctive profiles
This work thus has implications for our understanding of differential rates of language change, and by identifying distinctive patterns of change it provides a new window into very old historical processes that have shaped the linguistic map of the world. It shows that there is no conflict between the existence of universal tendencies and factors specific to a language family or geographic area. It also makes the strong point that information about deep relationships between languages is contained in abstract, higher-level properties derived from large sets of structural features as opposed to just a few highly stable aspects of language. In addition, this work introduces innovative quantitative techniques for finding and testing the statistical reliability of both universal tendencies and distinctive language-family profiles.
"Our findings strongly support the existence of a universal tendency across language families for some specific structural features to be intrinsically stable across language families and geographic regions," Dediu concludes.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
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(Reuters) - China has withdrawn its badminton players from this week's Japan Open and a Japanese cycling team has been kicked out of a race in China amid a worsening political crisis over disputed islands. Yoshio Sekine, vice-chairman of the Japan Badminton Association, confirmed on Tuesday that the players from China had pulled out of the tournament. "Chinese athletes cancelled their appearance in this tournament, which is unfortunate," he said at a Japan Open news conference, without discussing the motives for their withdrawal. ...
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