Astrophile: Blobby old galaxy boasts hidden arms
A past merger seems to have left the galaxy Centaurus A with twin tentacles - the first evidence of spiral structure in an elliptical galaxy
I'm Spantacus! Slave ants rebel
Their home has been invaded, their queen killed and they have been forced to rear the offspring of their enemy, but these ants are fighting back
Scattering moss can restore key carbon sink
Peat bogs help keep carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, so a new project aims to rebuild them by scattering beads of moss
Hand-waving decodes invisible images in new signs
Watch a secret message appear in a digital display after fingers are waved in front of it
Smartphone snaps help deter election fraud
In Afghanistan, polling stations that were told their voting results would be photographed were far less likely to have their votes tampered with
Is 8 hours a night right for everyone?
Are modern schedules ruining sleep? PLUS: How commerce spreads disease, what is at stake as Antarctica melts and hacktivists fight to free information
Son's DNA found inside mother's brain
Genetic material from a fetus can cross the placenta and blood-brain barrier and remain in a mother's brain for decades
Jazz-singing robot could shed light on consciousness
A robot that is being taught to sing duets with humans could reveal the nature of creativity, thought to be linked to consciousness
Buddhist statue acquired by Nazis is space rock
A carving of the Buddhist god Vai?ravana was fashioned from what is probably a chunk of the Chinga meteorite
GPS workaround helps make dumb phones smart
Clever workarounds give older cellphones some of the applications that smartphone users take for granted
Storm over genetically modified maize study worsens
France threatens to suspend imports of GM maize as animal feed if its food agency can confirm study claims that it gives rats cancer

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